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How to Use Your Branding Photos in Your Marketing Strategy

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Molly, the owner and chief dreamer at Molly Hebda Photography, has a passion for helping creative, purpose-driven women in business feel seen with confidence and strength. Without compromising their femininity.

Hello & welcome

You just got your branding photos taken, you’re obsessed with them, and you just shared them on social media – but now you might be wondering: beyond your social media, how else could you use these amazing photos?

I know that getting branding photos is a huge investment in yourself and your business – and as a brand photographer myself I want you to use your photos in as many ways as possible because your branding and your brand are so much bigger than social media! 

In fact, most of my clients come to me thinking they just need branding photos for social media content – but then they realize all the other ways they can actually use their photos. 

Keep reading to learn how you can repurpose your brand photos and utilize them in different areas of your marketing strategy and what the benefits of repurposing your photos are! 

magazine page for Lemont Downtown

How You Can Use Your Brand Photos Outside of Social Media

When a new client comes to me one of the first things I have them do is fill out a questionnaire before their session that has a checklist of all the possibilities on how they can use their brand photos. 

The reason that we do this is that this always opens up a bigger discussion during their planning session on how they can market their photos, and how they can repurpose them, and it also brings up an important discussion on whether we need to add anything to their session they originally didn’t think about. 

If you’re planning a branding photoshoot in the near future, my advice is to discuss this topic with your chosen photographer. Pick their brain on different ways you can utilize the photos you take because the ideas you come up with together will be personalized and tailored to you and your business needs. 

And if you’ve already gotten your brand photos taken I encourage you to grab a pen and paper (this is something you can do really quickly – I promise it won’t take long) and go ahead and jot down some additional ways you use your branding photos outside of the typical social media platforms (ie LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc) and see what ideas you come up with! 

While social media is great there are so many other ways to use your brand photos as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. 

For example, if you’re currently using Pinterest in your business as part of your marketing strategy I encourage you to use your brand photos on your pins, or if you are doing email marketing consider having your brand photos in your welcome sequence, your lead magnet, or at the bottom of each email next to the different services you offer! 

And if you’re struggling to come up with ideas, don’t worry I’ve got you covered. 

metal sign un front of a restaurant advertising brunch

Here are some ideas for you that all came from my previous clients on how they have repurposed their branding photos:

– Speaking engagements/Keynotes

– Book Jacket author photos

– Cover photos

– Brochures

– Menus

– Seasonal prints

– Magazine features and articles

– Newspaper articles and advertisements

– Pop-up signage

– Email signatures

– Newsletters

– Websites

– Courses

– Client portals

– Blog posts

– Awards

– Pitches

– And yes, on packaging and Billboards too!

I recently worked with a client who has a skincare brand and she started using her branding photos at her market booths which she had never done before. 

It was a huge aha moment for her when I suggested using her branding photos in print. She told me that utilizing her brand photos in this way has helped with her brand appearance by making her appear more professional. 

Being a personal brand means that you are selling YOU! It’s that connection that will draw your clients in and help them to get to know you better that is why it’s so important to be utilizing your branding photos in as many places and ways as possible. 

magazine page on a table
magazine page on a white table

What Are the Benefits of Repurposing Your Brand Photos?

Choosing to repurpose your brand’s photos isn’t just about posting them anywhere and everywhere you can – we want to make sure there’s an intentional strategy and purpose behind where you choose to use your photos. 

Repurposing your brand photos is also about finding a way to enhance your brand’s impact while also making the most of your investment and reaching your audience (and new leads) in a meaningful way. 

There are so many benefits that come with repurposing your brand photos so let’s dive into what some of them are! 

billboard sign

Maintain Consistent Branding 

This is something that I talk about a lot because of how important it is! 

With your marketing strategy and efforts, it’s crucial to maintain consistency so that your audience can easily identify you and also recognize your brand at a glance. 

Using the same branding across all social media channels and throughout all your marketing campaigns will also build your trust and familiarity with your current audience and new leads. 

magazine page on a white table

Reach a Wider Audience

Social media is just one audience your brand photos are connecting with but, not every single follower you have is going to see your different brand photos on every single social media platform you use. 

However, if you use your branding photos in several different places you’re increasing your chances that a new lead might see your photos in a magazine, on a billboard, at a speaking engagement, etc. You’re also giving yourself a new opportunity to connect and build your trust with new leads and establish your brand! 

market booth with skincare products

Build Your Professionalism and Credibility

I know how much you love your brand and what you do – that’s why we want your brand to come off as professional and credible as possible to get you your new dream leads. 

Using your brand photos in multiple ways not only enhances your credibility, and demonstrates your professionalism, but it also shows how serious you are about your brand. 

Utilizing your brand photos in different ways has so many benefits and you might not have even had the chance yet to experience the full range of possibilities that can happen yet when you start repurposing your photos! 

fliers for lemont illinois

Final Thoughts: How to Use Your Branding Photos in Your Marketing Strategy 

I hope that this post has helped you to see the multitude of possibilities that your branding photos can be used for! I’m really excited for you to have this information and for you to utilize these different brand photo repurposing ideas as part of your overall marketing strategy for your business. 

If you’re interested at all in learning more about my brand photography services, you can click here. I’d love to learn more about what you’re looking for to see how I can best help you.

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On this podcast, host, Molly Hebda, and her brand photography clients as they cozy up on the emerald green couch to have fun, intimate conversations about their transformational journeys. These conversations are meant to inspire other women on their entrepreneurial journey, so they don’t feel so alone in their struggles, fears, and doubts. 

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