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Why Your Private Practice Needs Personal Branding Photos

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Molly, the owner and chief dreamer at Molly Hebda Photography, has a passion for helping creative, purpose-driven women in business feel seen with confidence and strength. Without compromising their femininity.

Hello & welcome

When you’re thinking about all of the things that need to be done to set up your business you’ve probably heard more than once to make sure to also get branding photos done.

You might have let out a sigh thinking this was just another thing to add to your ever-growing to-do list on top of everything else such as creating a website, signing new clients, setting up your backend systems, etc. 

But I want to share with you why it’s critical to move your personal branding photos up to the top of that list. As a personal brand photographer who has worked with numerous brands and predominantly with women-identifying entrepreneurs let’s talk about why personal branding photos are so important and the benefits of having these photos – especially if you have your own private practice. 

woman eating a cookie with a plate of cookies in front of her and a glass of milk

Why Personal Branding Photos for Your Private Practice Are Important 

If you want to fill your client roster one of the best ways to build trust with your potential new clients is through your branding photos. These photos are going to quickly build your credibility and allow you to connect with more people. 

Let’s put this into perspective with a quick example – if you were searching for a new therapist which one would you pick? 

The therapist’s website which is text-heavy and has only stock images or the therapist’s website which has various professional branding photos that showcase their personality, their workspace, and their style? 

You hear it everywhere on social media, you need to show up and show your face to attract new clients and the same goes true for your branding photos as a way to also get new clients for your private practice. 

You need to show your face on your website, your social media, and wherever you are doing your marketing – your personal branding photos are going to help you grow and sustain your business. 

Another important reason to get personal branding photos for your private practice is to stand out from your competitors. 

I know that sometimes the market you are working in can feel both oversaturated and overcrowded which means that it’s more important than ever to stand out in the best way possible. 

Your branding photos can help you do this because they will highlight your unique personality, they are going to tell your story, they will show off your workspace, and highlight your approach to business in a way that is both welcoming and compelling to a new client. 

woman sitting on couch laughing with a mug in her hand
woman sitting at her desk reaching for a book

And another great reason to get personal branding photos for your private practice? 

To increase your own confidence! 

Having photos that you are proud of and images that represent your brand not only establishes more authority with your future clients but they will also give you more self-assurance.  

Being a business owner means that the journey is full of ups and downs – sometimes you’re on cloud 9 and loving your business, and some days you’ll wonder why you started. 

Branding photos will always reaffirm to you your passion for what you do, highlight what you’re best at, and remind you that you’ve got this! 

There are many more reasons that personal branding photos for your private practice are important but to sum things up this investment is one of the best things you can do for your business right now. 

headshot of a woman
woman in a kitchen with a cutting board in front of her that has vegetables on it

The Benefits of Private Practice Personal Branding Photos 

On top of branding photos being important, there are also so many benefits to making the decision to invest in personal branding photos so let’s get into some of my favorites!

Create a strong first impression 

First impressions are everything – they can make or break a potential client’s decision to work with you. 

If you’re planning to get new clients from your website and social media having these photos in your back pocket to utilize is going to create much more credibility for you and what you offer. 

They will also offer a positive experience for new, future clients who are looking at your profile and website for the first time. 

Highlight your workspace and work environment 

If you offer in-person services (or online services too) it’s still great to show what your work environment and workspace look like through your photos so a client can build a connection with you. 

These photos are going to set clear expectations for what they can expect from you and they will also make future clients feel more comfortable and trusting of you. 

Another added benefit is that your branding photos can help you attract the right clients that you want – those dream clients that you feel aligned and connected with. 

woman sitting on a couch writing in a journal

Humanize your brand and practice 

This goes back to the conversation above about which person would you choose to work with – the one who only has stock photos or the one who tells you exactly who they are. 

You can have the best private practice in the world but at the end of the day new clients are going to want to feel a connection with you – your copywriting can help with this but your photos will also make this stronger and make you more credible too. 

Your photos show that you are more than just the service you offer, you’re a person whom they can relate to. 

Demonstrate professionalism 

Investing in branding photos also shows that you are committed to your business – it conveys that you’re invested and committed to what you do. These photos also say that you take your business seriously. 

When you have branding photos you’re immediately setting the standard that you provide high-quality services and that you’re going to meet your future client’s expectations of you. 

Tell your business story 

Every business has a story and your new clients want to know yours! They want the answers to questions such as why you started your business, how you can help them, what transformation you offer, and why they should work with you over someone else. 

All of this can be enhanced through your personal branding photos. 

These photos can highlight your values, your personality, and your passion for what you do which is all going to work for your benefit by establishing a deeper, more meaningful connection with your new potential clients. 

This list could go on and on but I also want to share with you a story about a recent personal branding photo session I did for a client with her own private practice to show you how her branding photos helped her business and why she invested in them. 

woman taking notes at a desk
woman sitting on a porch swing barefoot

Client Feature – LCSW and Intuitive Eating Counselor, Danielle

I recently had the opportunity to connect with and photograph LCSW and Intuitive Eating Counselor Danielle.

Danielle wanted new personal branding photos for her practice’s website and she was searching for a branding photographer whose images could convey a soft, gentle, warm, natural, feminine, and welcoming vibe for her brand.

Danielle was listening to my podcast episode “The Weight of Weight” and she told me that after hearing it she made the decision to work with me. 

She shared with me that she: “immediately connected with my work/mission! I am a Psychotherapist (LCSW) and Intuitive Eating Counselor who works with women to heal their relationships with food and their bodies. As soon as I heard your flow and energy and grounded-ness in that podcast episode, I knew I had to reach out.” You can learn more about Danielle’s services here.

Once Danielle saw the proofs here was what she had to say, “Molly they’re beautiful!!! They are even better than I could have imagined!!! Oh my gosh, this is awesome.”

This is exactly what I want all of my clients to feel like when they see their branding photos. 

And a friendly piece of photographer advice – if you’re looking for a personal branding photographer make sure you also find someone who can overcome challenges that may arise during your session and will work through them with you. 

This was something that Danielle and I had to do during her photoshoot. 

Danielle and I had to take the photos in her home which had smaller spaces and darker wood. 

Even though this was the case, because of my experience using studio lighting in her home I was able to recreate a natural light look for her like she wanted. If we had just relied on window light this would not have been enough to capture the style of photos that she was looking for. 

You will want to work with a branding photographer who can figure out solutions in tricky situations like this, not someone who will just take the photos and say that they are “good enough” without trying to give you exactly what you want because you deserve much more than that. 

woman sitting on a couch with a mug in her hands

Final Thoughts On Why Your Private Practice Needs Personal Branding Photos 

I hope all of this helped you learn more about why personal branding photos are a great asset for your private practice and something I highly recommend, especially if you’re just opening the doors to your business. 

My goal in my branding photoshoots is to bring out the best version of you and to make sure that your visual brand story is told authentically! So, if you are ready to let your personality and business shine, then you can click here to reach out for a chat! Or if you want to read more about my brand photography click here. I can’t wait to meet you!

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On this podcast, host, Molly Hebda, and her brand photography clients as they cozy up on the emerald green couch to have fun, intimate conversations about their transformational journeys. These conversations are meant to inspire other women on their entrepreneurial journey, so they don’t feel so alone in their struggles, fears, and doubts. 

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